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  • Do I need an appointment?
    No, you can come past our store anytime during business hours and we will assist you as quickly as we can. It is easier if you make an appointment so you don’t have a long wait time.
  • Are you mobile or do I have to come to you?
    We are not mobile. You have to come to us.
  • What is the fastest way to get a quote?
    Approximate quotes can be given to you from pictures you text or email to us, however the most accurate way to receive a quote is to come past our store.
  • What else does your company do besides wheels?
    We refurbish, chrome, paint, machine wheels and paint calipers. We have an inventory of Original Equipment wheels that we sell on eBay and Amazon. If you are looking for specific wheels that we don’t carry online, contact us, we will do some research to try and find them for you!
  • Can you refinish aftermarket wheels to look new?
    Yes, we can. We also do custom refurbishing.
  • Do you give any discount for multiple wheels?
    Our pricing is excellent but we like to pride ourselves on being able to provide our customers with the excellent service they deserve and will do whatever we can to ensure complete customer satisfaction.
  • Is your work guaranteed?
    Yes, we give a lifetime warranty on repairs
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